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tmtyro is optimized for a fast start, speeding users along a standard workflow built on tidytext and the tidyverse. But it also serves as a skills ramp, offering vectorized functions that work seamlessly with a broader ecosystem of tools. These functions provide a stepping stone for users transitioning to text mining workflows that leverage the flexibility and power of dplyr. The vectorized functions outlined below present an alternative pathway to the workflows enabled by functions like add_frequency() and add_sentiment(), bridging the gap to more advanced techniques.

Working with vectors

We often work with text as a vector of words, sometimes thought of as a “bag” of words. In this form, everything is typically standardized into lowercase spellings, punctuation marks are removed, and words are split at spaces:

primer <- "See Jack run. Run, Jack! Run well!" |> 
  tolower() |> 
  str_remove_all("[:punct:]") |>
  strsplit(" ") |> 

#> [1] "see"  "jack" "run"  "run"  "jack" "run"  "well"

tmtyro offers functions for working with such lists or bags of words, returning an equal-length list of some measurement or test. For instance, get_frequency() returns word counts for each word in a list:

#> [1] 1 2 3 3 2 3 1

These counts can be converted to percentages by adding percent = TRUE or by using the shorthand get_tf():

get_frequency(primer, percent = TRUE)
#> [1] 0.1428571 0.2857143 0.4285714 0.4285714 0.2857143 0.4285714 0.1428571

#> [1] 0.1428571 0.2857143 0.4285714 0.4285714 0.2857143 0.4285714 0.1428571

Most of tmtyro’s functions for working with vectors begin with get_...(). This standardization helps to simplify autocomplete. Additionally, two logical tests beginning with is_...() return values TRUE or FALSE:

tmtyro function returns use result
get_frequency() word frequencies as counts get_frequency(primer) 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1
get_frequency(percent = FALSE)
word frequencies as percentages get_tf(primer) 0.14, 0.29, 0.43, 0.43, 0.29, 0.43, 0.14
get_cumulative_vocabulary() cumulative count of new words get_cumulative_vocabulary(primer) 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4
get_ttr() cumulative type-token ratio get_ttr(primer) 1, 1, 1, 0.75, 0.6, 0.5, 0.57
get_htr() cumulative hapax-token ratio get_htr(primer) 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.17, 0.29
get_hir() hapax introduction rate get_hir(primer) 1, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, 0.17, 0.29
get_match() word matches according to a dictionary get_match(primer, verbs) “yes”, NA, “no”, “no”, NA, “no”, NA
get_sentiment() word matches according to a sentiment dictionary get_sentiment(primer) NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, “positive”
is_new() whether a word is newly being added to the list is_new(primer) TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE
is_hapax() whether a word is used only once in the list is_hapax(primer) TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE

Working with and becoming familiar with these vectorized functions can be a useful step for gaining confidence in working with text data.

Working with tables

Although text analysis often conceives of documents as bags of words, tmtyro typically follows tidytext principals to go further, with data organized in a table with one word per row. This method of organization allows for both context, in rows above and below, and understanding, in columns to the left and right.

Adding columns

tmtyro’s typical workflow offers a selection of verbs for adding new columns—all helpfully beginning with add_...(). Alternatively, the vector functions listed above work well with dplyr’s mutate() for adding columns:

# Load a corpus
corpus_dubliners <- get_gutenberg_corpus(2814) |> 
  load_texts() |> 
  identify_by(part) |> 
  standardize_titles() |> 
  select(doc_id, word)

# Use mutate() to add columns
corpus_dubliners |> 
    count = get_frequency(word),
    percent = get_tf(word),
    new = is_new(word),
    hapax = is_hapax(word))
#> # A tibble: 67,953 × 6
#>    doc_id      word  count  percent new   hapax
#>    <fct>       <chr> <int>    <dbl> <lgl> <lgl>
#>  1 The Sisters there   168 0.00247  TRUE  FALSE
#>  2 The Sisters was    1161 0.0171   TRUE  FALSE
#>  3 The Sisters no      168 0.00247  TRUE  FALSE
#>  4 The Sisters hope     14 0.000206 TRUE  FALSE
#>  5 The Sisters for     508 0.00748  TRUE  FALSE
#>  6 The Sisters him     494 0.00727  TRUE  FALSE
#>  7 The Sisters this    124 0.00182  TRUE  FALSE
#>  8 The Sisters time    119 0.00175  TRUE  FALSE
#>  9 The Sisters it      582 0.00856  TRUE  FALSE
#> 10 The Sisters was    1161 0.0171   FALSE FALSE
#> # ℹ 67,943 more rows

Grouping documents

Not every measurement makes sense in a big corpus, where we might care more about things on a document-by-document basis. For this reason, tmtyro offers a few additional functions for measuring grouped values. Functions of this type are named in a pattern using get_..._by():

function returns
get_tf_by() term frequencies (as a percentage) for each word by document
get_idf_by() inverse document frequencies for each word by document
get_tfidf_by() term frequency–inverse document frequencies for each word by document

Because they expect two arguments of equal length, these kinds of vector-document functions are best suited for data organized in a table. All of these get_..._by() functions use the same syntax:

corpus_dubliners |> 
    tf = get_tf_by(word, doc_id),
    idf = get_idf_by(word, doc_id),
    tf_idf = get_tfidf_by(word, doc_id))
#> # A tibble: 67,953 × 5
#>    doc_id      word        tf    idf   tf_idf
#>    <fct>       <chr>    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 The Sisters there 0.00482  0      0       
#>  2 The Sisters was   0.0180   0      0       
#>  3 The Sisters no    0.00514  0      0       
#>  4 The Sisters hope  0.000321 0.511  0.000164
#>  5 The Sisters for   0.0103   0      0       
#>  6 The Sisters him   0.0138   0      0       
#>  7 The Sisters this  0.00193  0.0690 0.000133
#>  8 The Sisters time  0.000964 0      0       
#>  9 The Sisters it    0.0119   0      0       
#> 10 The Sisters was   0.0180   0      0       
#> # ℹ 67,943 more rows

Native to dplyr, group_by() and ungroup() offer another method for calculating values by document:

corpus_dubliners |> 
  group_by(doc_id) |> 
    tf = get_tf(word)) |> 
#> # A tibble: 67,953 × 3
#>    doc_id      word        tf
#>    <fct>       <chr>    <dbl>
#>  1 The Sisters there 0.00482 
#>  2 The Sisters was   0.0180  
#>  3 The Sisters no    0.00514 
#>  4 The Sisters hope  0.000321
#>  5 The Sisters for   0.0103  
#>  6 The Sisters him   0.0138  
#>  7 The Sisters this  0.00193 
#>  8 The Sisters time  0.000964
#>  9 The Sisters it    0.0119  
#> 10 The Sisters was   0.0180  
#> # ℹ 67,943 more rows

Be aware that that there’s no equivalent get_idf() or get_tfidf() for pairing with group_by(). By definition, these calculations need contextual awareness of documents in a corpus.

Using dplyr in this way allows for a range of measurements beyond those imagined in tmtyro. For instance, it might be helpful to express term frequencies in terms of how far they are from average use:

unique_usage <- corpus_dubliners |> 
  group_by(doc_id) |> 
    tf = get_tf(word),
    mean = mean(tf, na.rm = TRUE),
    sd = sd(tf, na.rm = TRUE),
    z_score = (tf - mean)/sd) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  select(-c(mean, sd))

#> # A tibble: 67,953 × 4
#>    doc_id      word        tf z_score
#>    <fct>       <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 The Sisters there 0.00482  -0.396 
#>  2 The Sisters was   0.0180    0.498 
#>  3 The Sisters no    0.00514  -0.375 
#>  4 The Sisters hope  0.000321 -0.702 
#>  5 The Sisters for   0.0103   -0.0253
#>  6 The Sisters him   0.0138    0.215 
#>  7 The Sisters this  0.00193  -0.593 
#>  8 The Sisters time  0.000964 -0.658 
#>  9 The Sisters it    0.0119    0.0838
#> 10 The Sisters was   0.0180    0.498 
#> # ℹ 67,943 more rows

In this way, one could find outlier words by defining them as being at least a standard deviation away from standard usage in a document.

unique_usage |> 
  select(doc_id, word, z_score) |> 
  filter(abs(z_score) >= 1) |> 
#> # A tibble: 54 × 3
#>    doc_id       word  z_score
#>    <fct>        <chr>   <dbl>
#>  1 The Sisters  the      3.01
#>  2 The Sisters  i        1.31
#>  3 The Sisters  and      1.85
#>  4 The Sisters  to       1.33
#>  5 An Encounter the      3.06
#>  6 An Encounter to       1.08
#>  7 An Encounter he       1.39
#>  8 An Encounter of       1.14
#>  9 An Encounter and      1.52
#> 10 Araby        the      2.95
#> # ℹ 44 more rows

This particular example unhelpfully emphasizes stopwords, but the process models the kind of checking that often proves helpful when working with text.

Getting representational data

Instead of studying every word in context, it’s sometimes helpful to get representational data from each document. Standard dplyr functions helpfully limit groups to subsets of rows. For instance, distinct() drops any rows that repeat:

# mutate() keeps every row
simple_freq <- corpus_dubliners |> 
  group_by(doc_id) |> 
  mutate(tf = get_tf(word)) |> 

# distinct() keeps the first instance of each row
simple_freq |> 
#> # A tibble: 17,692 × 3
#>    doc_id      word        tf
#>    <fct>       <chr>    <dbl>
#>  1 The Sisters there 0.00482 
#>  2 The Sisters was   0.0180  
#>  3 The Sisters no    0.00514 
#>  4 The Sisters hope  0.000321
#>  5 The Sisters for   0.0103  
#>  6 The Sisters him   0.0138  
#>  7 The Sisters this  0.00193 
#>  8 The Sisters time  0.000964
#>  9 The Sisters it    0.0119  
#> 10 The Sisters the   0.0549  
#> # ℹ 17,682 more rows

Combining elements of both mutate() and distinct(), the summarize() function returns one row per group while allowing new column definitions:

# summarize() returns one row per group, here the maximum tf value for combination of doc_id and word
simple_freq |> 
  group_by(doc_id, word) |> 
  summarize(tf = max(tf)) |> 
#> # A tibble: 17,692 × 3
#>    doc_id      word                 tf
#>    <fct>       <chr>             <dbl>
#>  1 The Sisters 1895           0.000321
#>  2 The Sisters 1st            0.000321
#>  3 The Sisters a              0.0148  
#>  4 The Sisters about          0.00353 
#>  5 The Sisters above          0.000321
#>  6 The Sisters absolve        0.000321
#>  7 The Sisters acquaintance   0.000321
#>  8 The Sisters acts           0.000321
#>  9 The Sisters added          0.000321
#> 10 The Sisters advertisements 0.000321
#> # ℹ 17,682 more rows

Offering a little more flexibility, dplyr’s slice_...() family of functions is helpful for choosing a subset of rows in each group. For instance, slice_max() makes it easy to get the top 3 words used in each story from Dubliners, ordered by term frequency:

simple_freq |> 
  distinct() |> 
  group_by(doc_id) |> 
    order_by = tf,
    n = 3) |> 
#> # A tibble: 48 × 3
#>    doc_id       word      tf
#>    <fct>        <chr>  <dbl>
#>  1 The Sisters  the   0.0549
#>  2 The Sisters  and   0.0379
#>  3 The Sisters  to    0.0302
#>  4 An Encounter the   0.0556
#>  5 An Encounter and   0.0329
#>  6 An Encounter he    0.0310
#>  7 Araby        the   0.0810
#>  8 Araby        i     0.0409
#>  9 Araby        and   0.0299
#> 10 Araby        to    0.0299
#> # ℹ 38 more rows

Other slicing functions like slice_sample() and slice_head() offer additional options for preparing data to study.

Dictionary matching

Many of the vectorized get_...() functions return numeric or logical results, but two return values based on a dictionary of terms. These functions are perhaps best demonstrated with a new bag of words:

primer2 <- "Jack hates rainy days." |> 
  tolower() |> 
  str_remove_all("[:punct:]") |>
  strsplit(" ") |> 

The more general get_match() function returns the dictionary match for any word or vector. When paired with a dictionary made with make_dictionary(), it returns values for any matches found:

emoji_weather <- make_dictionary(
    "️☔️" = c("rain", "rains", "rainy", "raining"),
    "️⛈️" = c("storm", "storms", "stormy", "storming"),
    "☁️" = c("cloud", "clouds", "cloudy"),
    "🌞" = c("sun", "sunny"),
    "🌫️" = c("fog", "fogs", "foggy", "mist", "misty"),
    "🌬️" = c("wind", "winds", "windy"),
    "️❄️" = c("snow", "snows", "snowing")),
  name = "weather")

#> [1] "jack"  "hates" "rainy" "days"
get_match(primer2, emoji_weather)
#> [1] NA   NA   "️☔️" NA

As shown here, unmatched values return NA missing values.

The function works with dplyr’s mutate() much like any other vectorized function:

dubliners_weather <- corpus_dubliners |> 
  mutate(weather = get_match(word, emoji_weather))

dubliners_weather |> 
  # show only one story and skip a few hundred words
  filter(doc_id == "The Dead") |> 
  filter(row_number() > 609)
#> # A tibble: 15,122 × 3
#>    doc_id   word     weather
#>    <fct>    <chr>    <chr>  
#>  1 The Dead he       NA     
#>  2 The Dead stood    NA     
#>  3 The Dead on       NA     
#>  4 The Dead the      NA     
#>  5 The Dead mat      NA     
#>  6 The Dead scraping NA     
#>  7 The Dead the      NA     
#>  8 The Dead snow     ️❄️      
#>  9 The Dead from     NA     
#> 10 The Dead his      NA     
#> # ℹ 15,112 more rows

dubliners_weather |> 
#> # A tibble: 55 × 3
#>    doc_id       word   weather
#>    <fct>        <chr>  <chr>  
#>  1 The Sisters  clouds ☁️      
#>  2 The Sisters  sunny  🌞     
#>  3 The Sisters  sun    🌞     
#>  4 The Sisters  clouds ☁️      
#>  5 An Encounter storm  ️⛈️      
#>  6 An Encounter sunny  🌞     
#>  7 An Encounter sun    🌞     
#>  8 An Encounter clouds ☁️      
#>  9 Araby        rainy  ️☔️     
#> 10 Araby        rain   ️☔️     
#> # ℹ 45 more rows

Matching sentiment

A sentiment lexicon is just a special kind of dictionary. To support a specialized case for sentiment analysis, get_sentiment() works the same way as get_match():

#> [1] "jack"  "hates" "rainy" "days"
get_match(primer2, tidytext::get_sentiments("bing"))
#> [1] NA         "negative" NA         NA
get_sentiment(primer2, "bing")
#> [1] NA         "negative" NA         NA

Like other functions, it works well with dplyr’s mutate() for adding a column of sentiment interpretation:

corpus_dubliners |> 
    sentiment = get_sentiment(word, "bing")) |> 
#> # A tibble: 3,867 × 3
#>    doc_id      word      sentiment
#>    <fct>       <chr>     <chr>    
#>  1 The Sisters evenly    positive 
#>  2 The Sisters dead      negative 
#>  3 The Sisters darkened  negative 
#>  4 The Sisters blind     negative 
#>  5 The Sisters idle      negative 
#>  6 The Sisters strangely negative 
#>  7 The Sisters like      positive 
#>  8 The Sisters like      positive 
#>  9 The Sisters sinful    negative 
#> 10 The Sisters fear      negative 
#> # ℹ 3,857 more rows

By combining simplicity and flexibility, tmtyro helps users move between streamlined workflows and customizable approaches. Whether working with small text datasets or exploring complex corpora, vectorized functions offer a bridge to mastering tools like dplyr. This approach encourages skill development in text mining, data analysis, and broader R programming techniques.