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The standard tmtyro workflow, with functions like add_vocabulary() and add_sentiment(), works easily with tabulize() to generate clean, useful tables that communicate results effectively. These tables are designed to help users focus on their work without needing to worry about formatting, presentation, or code. For those advancing beyond the tyro stage, learning to customize this output or even to create tables from scratch can be a valuable next step.

Starting from tabulize()

The tables tmtyro creates offer a good starting point for anyone interested in learning more about gt and related packages. Since tabulize() creates standard gt tables, they can be modified using standard functions from that package or from extension packages like gtExtras.


By default, character columns in tables prepared by tabulize() (and gt in general) are center aligned. To adjust this alignment, use gt’s cols_align() function.

corpus_dubliners <- get_gutenberg_corpus(2814) |> 
  load_texts() |> 
  identify_by(part) |> 
  standardize_titles() |> 
  select(doc_id, word)

# Choose just 5 stories
some_docs <- unique(corpus_dubliners$doc_id)[c(1:3, 12, 15)]

corpus_dubliners <- corpus_dubliners |> 
  filter(doc_id %in% some_docs)

# tabulize() typically centers text columns
corpus_dubliners |> 
The Sisters 3,113
An Encounter 3,257
Araby 2,345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5,249
The Dead 15,731

# cols_align() adjusts alignment
corpus_dubliners |> 
  tabulize() |> 
    align = "left",
    columns = doc_id)
The Sisters 3,113
An Encounter 3,257
Araby 2,345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5,249
The Dead 15,731


Outputs can be highly customized using themes built into packages like gtExtras.

corpus_dubliners |> 
  tabulize() |> 
The Sisters 3,113
An Encounter 3,257
Araby 2,345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5,249
The Dead 15,731

Many theme options are available, adjusting coloring, font face, and text size. They’re easy to add with functions beginning gt_theme_...():

corpus_dubliners |> 
  tabulize() |> 
The Sisters 3,113
An Encounter 3,257
Araby 2,345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5,249
The Dead 15,731

For more theme options, see the gtExtras documentation online.

Titles and Summary Rows

The examples shown here barely scratch the surface of options available with gt. Summary rows, added with grand_summary_rows() make it easy to share corpus statistics. Titles and subtitles, added with tab_header(), help clarify conclusions and a main takeaways:

corpus_dubliners |> 
  tabulize() |>
  cols_align("left", columns = doc_id) |> 
    fns = list("avg" ~ mean(.) |> 
                 scales::label_comma(accuracy = 0.1)()), 
    columns = "n") |> 
    title = md("Word counts in *Dubliners* stories"),
    subtitle = "“The Dead” is about three times the average length.") |> 
Word counts in Dubliners stories
“The Dead” is about three times the average length.
The Sisters 3,113
An Encounter 3,257
Araby 2,345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5,249
The Dead 15,731
avg 5,939.0

Going further

Combining these methods with those explained in greater depth in gt’s documentation can allow for truly customized tables. The default table, for instance, is functional but not necessarily pretty. Customization makes it possible to aim for something clean like this:

corpus_dubliners |> 
  tabulize() |> 
    style = cell_borders(
      sides = "all", 
      color = NULL),
    locations = cells_body()) |> 
    style = cell_text(size = pct(70)),
    locations = cells_column_labels()
  ) |> 
    align = "right",
    columns = doc_id) |> 
    css = ".gt_col_headings {border-bottom-color: #FFFFFF !important;}"
The Sisters 3,113
An Encounter 3,257
Araby 2,345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5,249
The Dead 15,731

Starting with gt

tmtyro’s tabulize() only works with a standard workflow using functions like add_vocabulary() and add_frequency(). Preparing similar tables manually is possible with familiarity with packages like gt or tinytable. A few methods for creating and modifying gt tables are shown below, but more are found in package documentation.

Corpus details

By default, a corpus prepared by tmtyro will tabulize() into a table showing word counts for each document. A simple version of this can be prepared by hand with very little effort:

gt_details <- corpus_dubliners |> 
  count(doc_id) |> 

doc_id n
The Sisters 3113
An Encounter 3257
Araby 2345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5249
The Dead 15731

Once the table is prepared, gt allows for further tweaking—for instance, to format word counts for readability, hide the doc_id column header, and rename n as words:

gt_details |> 
  fmt_integer(n) |> 
    doc_id = "",
    n = "words")
The Sisters 3,113
An Encounter 3,257
Araby 2,345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5,249
The Dead 15,731

Word frequencies

The standard workflow for preparing a polished table of high-frequency word counts with tmtyro—add_frequency() |> tabulize()—will easily show a few of the most used words in each document. To use get_frequency() when adding columns for word counts, a chain of functions will prepare a summary table—distinct() |> slice_max(). Once it’s ready, gt() will do the rest.

dubliners_count <- corpus_dubliners |>
  group_by(doc_id) |> 
    n = get_frequency(word)) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  distinct() |> 
    order_by = n, 
    by = doc_id, 
    n = 3) # show three words each

gt_counts <- dubliners_count |> 
  # limit to three stories for a shorter display
  filter(doc_id %in% c("The Sisters", "An Encounter", "The Dead")) |> 

doc_id word n
The Sisters the 171
The Sisters and 118
The Sisters to 94
An Encounter the 181
An Encounter and 107
An Encounter he 101
The Dead the 866
The Dead and 570
The Dead of 396

The cols_label() function from gt can adjust headers, and tmtyro’s collapse_rows() function hides repeated values in a column:

gt_counts |> 
  cols_label(doc_id = "") |> 
word n
The Sisters the 171
and 118
to 94
An Encounter the 181
and 107
he 101
The Dead the 866
and 570
of 396

Choosing to adjust things manually introduces a steeper learning curve, but it also allows for greater customization:

dubliners_count |> 
  filter(doc_id %in% c("The Sisters", "An Encounter", "The Dead")) |> 
  gt(groupname_col = "doc_id") |> 
    word = "") |> 
  data_color(columns = n, palette = "PuBuGn") |> 
    style = cell_text(weight = "bold"),
    locations = cells_row_groups())
The Sisters
the 171
and 118
to 94
An Encounter
the 181
and 107
he 101
The Dead
the 866
and 570
of 396

Dictionary matches, including for sentiment, follow the same pattern.

Vocabulary richness

A similar manual workflow can be used to prepare tables of vocabulary richness. Without customization, gt() prepares a table that isn’t as clear as it could be:

dubliners_vocab <- corpus_dubliners |> 
  filter(doc_id %in% c("The Sisters", "An Encounter", "The Dead")) |> 
  group_by(doc_id) |> 
    words = n(),
    vocab_count = sum(is_new(word)),
    ttr = last(get_ttr(word)),
    hapax_count = sum(is_hapax(word)),
    htr = last(get_hir(word))) |> 

gt_vocab <- dubliners_vocab |> 

doc_id words vocab_count ttr hapax_count htr
The Sisters 3113 903 0.2900739 552 0.17732091
An Encounter 3257 980 0.3008904 620 0.19035923
The Dead 15731 2746 0.1745598 1557 0.09897654

Here, tab spanners can be added to approximate the version created by a typical tmtyro workflow:

gt_vocab |> 
    label = "vocabulary",
    columns = c("vocab_count", "ttr")) |> 
    label = "hapax",
    columns = c("hapax_count", "htr")) |> 
    vocab_count = "total",
    ttr = "ratio",
    hapax_count = "total",
    htr = "ratio") |> 
  fmt_number(c(ttr, htr), decimals = 3)
doc_id words
total ratio total ratio
The Sisters 3113 903 0.290 552 0.177
An Encounter 3257 980 0.301 620 0.190
The Dead 15731 2746 0.175 1557 0.099

Starting with tinytable

Of course, many other options exist in R for preparing tables to communicate findings. One of these, tt() from the tinytable package, is worth consideration. A few methods for preparing tinytable tables are shown here, but more are found in package documentation.

Corpus details

The standard function for using tinytable is tt():

details_tt <- corpus_dubliners |> 
  count(doc_id) |> 

doc_id n
The Sisters 3113
An Encounter 3257
Araby 2345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5249
The Dead 15731

Adjusting this output is straightforward using a few functions that use a standard syntax. Each references rows with the argument “i” and columns with the argument “j”. Data format is adjusted using format_tt(), and output style is modified with style_tt(). For instance, to change the number format in the “n” column shown here, use format_tt() like this:

details_tt <- details_tt |> 
    j = 2,
    digits = 0,
    num_mark_big = ",")

doc_id n
The Sisters 3,113
An Encounter 3,257
Araby 2,345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5,249
The Dead 15,731

Column names are adjusted using the standard colnames() or setNames() functions from R:

colnames(details_tt) <- c("", "words")

The Sisters 3,113
An Encounter 3,257
Araby 2,345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5,249
The Dead 15,731

Properties like column alignment can be adjusted with style_tt():

details_tt |> 
    j = 2,
    align = "r"
The Sisters 3,113
An Encounter 3,257
Araby 2,345
Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5,249
The Dead 15,731

Word frequencies

While tmtyro offers collapse_rows() to limit repeated values in gt tables, these need to be suppressed manually using tinytable’s rowspan argument in style_tt():

dubliners_count |> 
  group_by(doc_id) |> 
  slice_head(n = 3) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  tt() |> 
    i = c(1, 4, 7, 10, 13), 
    j = 1, 
    rowspan = 3, 
    alignv = "t")
doc_id word n
The Sisters the 171
The Sisters and 118
The Sisters to 94
An Encounter the 181
An Encounter and 107
An Encounter he 101
Araby the 190
Araby i 96
Araby and 70
Ivy Day in the Committee Room the 320
Ivy Day in the Committee Room a 144
Ivy Day in the Committee Room mr 141
The Dead the 866
The Dead and 570
The Dead of 396

Unfortunately, this process of manually indicating rows is fiddly and prone to error. Any miscount will make the table misrepresent the data. As an alternative, consider adjusting the underlying table before using tt() to cut out repeating values, using mutate(), case_when(), and lag():

dubliners_count |> 
  group_by(doc_id) |> 
  slice_head(n = 3) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
    doc_id = case_when(
      doc_id == lag(doc_id) ~ "",
      TRUE ~ doc_id
    )) |> 
doc_id word n
The Sisters the 171
and 118
to 94
An Encounter the 181
and 107
he 101
Araby the 190
i 96
and 70
Ivy Day in the Committee Room the 320
a 144
mr 141
The Dead the 866
and 570
of 396

Alternatively, use automatic grouping, indicating rows with group_tt():

count_table <- dubliners_count |> 
  group_by(doc_id) |> 
  slice_head(n = 3) |> 

# Drop the doc_id column with select(), then reference it in group_tt()
my_tt <- count_table |> 
  select(-doc_id) |> 
  tt() |> 
  group_tt(i = as.character(count_table$doc_id))

word n
the 171
and 118
to 94
the 181
and 107
he 101
the 190
i 96
and 70
the 320
a 144
mr 141
the 866
and 570
of 396

To format these group rows, we can use the attribute my_tt@group_index_i to get the row numbers:

my_tt |> 
    i = my_tt@group_index_i, 
    bold = TRUE,
    background = "lightgreen")
word n
the 171
and 118
to 94
the 181
and 107
he 101
the 190
i 96
and 70
the 320
a 144
mr 141
the 866
and 570
of 396

Vocabulary richness

Tables for reporting vocabulary richness often need a lot of customizing. By default, tt() prepares a table that leaves a lot to be desired:

tt_vocab <- dubliners_vocab |> 

doc_id words vocab_count ttr hapax_count htr
The Sisters 3113 903 0.2900739 552 0.17732091
An Encounter 3257 980 0.3008904 620 0.19035923
The Dead 15731 2746 0.1745598 1557 0.09897654

Among other things, we might want to adjust number formatting with format_tt(), set alignment with style_tt(), rename columns using colnames() or setNames(), and add labels over column groupings with group_tt():

tt_vocab |> 
    j = list(
      "vocabulary" = 3:4,
      "hapax" = 5:6)) |> 
    j = c(2:3, 5),
    digits = 0,
    num_mark_big = ",") |> 
    j = c(2:3, 5),
    align = "r") |> 
    j = c(4, 6),
    digits = 3,
    num_fmt = "decimal",
    num_zero = TRUE) |> 
  setNames(c("", "words", "total", "ratio", "total", "ratio"))
vocabulary hapax
words total ratio total ratio
The Sisters 3,113 903 0.290 552 0.177
An Encounter 3,257 980 0.301 620 0.190
The Dead 15,731 2,746 0.175 1,557 0.099

In the end, none of this is overwhelming, and results can be clearly prepared for communication.