Add values from a dictionary
- df
A tidy data frame, potentially containing a column called "word"
- dictionary
A data frame with two or more columns, potentially made with
- feature
The column (like "word") to use for looking up values in the dictionary
- keep_term
Whether to retain the original term value. This option is especially useful with dictionaries containing terms longer than one word in length; the NULL value will keep the term for these dictionaries while discarding it for those with terms of only one word.
dubliners <- get_gutenberg_corpus(2814) |>
load_texts() |>
identify_by(part) |>
emoji_weather <- make_dictionary(
"️☔️" = c("rain", "rains", "rainy", "raining"),
"️⛈️" = c("storm", "storms", "stormy", "storming"),
"☁️" = c("cloud", "clouds", "cloudy"),
"🌞" = c("sun", "sunny"),
"🌫️" = c("fog", "fogs", "foggy", "mist", "misty"),
"🌬️" = c("wind", "winds", "windy"),
"️❄️" = c("snow", "snows", "snowing")),
name = "weather")
dubliners |>
add_dictionary(emoji_weather) |>
drop_na() |>
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#> doc_id title author part word weather
#> <fct> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 The Sisters Dubliners Joyce, James THE SISTERS clouds ☁️
#> 2 The Sisters Dubliners Joyce, James THE SISTERS sunny 🌞
#> 3 The Sisters Dubliners Joyce, James THE SISTERS sun 🌞
#> 4 The Sisters Dubliners Joyce, James THE SISTERS clouds ☁️
#> 5 An Encounter Dubliners Joyce, James AN ENCOUNTER storm ️⛈️
#> 6 An Encounter Dubliners Joyce, James AN ENCOUNTER sunny 🌞