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make_topic_model() moves a table of texts through the necessary steps of preparation before building a topic model. The function applies seven steps:

  1. identifies text divisions by the doc_id column

  2. divides each of the texts into same-sized chunks of sample_size words (default is 1000 words)

  3. unnests text table into a table with one word per row

  4. removes stop words and proper nouns (identified as any word that only appears with a capitalized first letter)

  5. counts word frequencies for each chunk

  6. converts the table of frequencies into a document term matrix

  7. builds a topic model with k topics


make_topic_model(df, by = doc_id, sample_size = 1000, k = 15, cache = TRUE)



A data frame with nested text in a "text" column.


The column for identifying each document. By default, the "title" column will be used.


The sample size for each document chunk. By default, samples will include 1000 words.


The number of topics to search for. By default, 15 topics will be sought.


Whether to cache the resulting model as an RDS file in the "data/" folder. Set to TRUE by default. Delete this RDS file to create a new model.


A topic model.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
mysteries <- load_texts("mystery-novels", word = FALSE)

mysteries_lda <- mysteries |>
  make_topic_model(k = 10)
  } # }