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summarize_tf_idf() prepares a summary table for each term in a corpus, including their frequencies by document and "tf-idf" measurements for comparing the relative importance in comparison to other documents in a set.


summarize_tf_idf(df, by = doc_id, feature = word)



A tidy data frame, potentially containing columns called "doc_id" and "word"


A column containing document grouping


A column containing the terms to be measured across document groupings


A summary of the original data frame, with rows for each document and term pairing and columns for document identifier, term, n (the number of times this term was used in this document), tf (term's frequency in this document), idf (inverse document frequency), and tf_idf (previous two columns combined).

See also

Other tf_idf helpers: add_tf_idf()


dubliners <- get_gutenberg_corpus(2814) |>
  load_texts() |>
  identify_by(part) |>

dubliners |>
#> # A tibble: 17,686 × 6
#>    doc_id                        word         n      tf   idf tf_idf
#>    <fct>                         <chr>    <int>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 Clay                          maria       40 0.0150   2.71 0.0407
#>  2 Two Gallants                  corley      46 0.0117   2.71 0.0318
#>  3 After the Race                jimmy       24 0.0107   2.71 0.0290
#>  4 Ivy Day in the Committee Room henchy      53 0.0101   2.71 0.0274
#>  5 A Little Cloud                gallaher    48 0.00972  2.71 0.0263
#>  6 The Dead                      gabriel    142 0.00903  2.71 0.0244
#>  7 Grace                         kernan      66 0.00875  2.71 0.0237
#>  8 Ivy Day in the Committee Room o’connor    45 0.00858  2.71 0.0232
#>  9 A Little Cloud                chandler    41 0.00830  2.71 0.0225
#> 10 A Mother                      kearney     50 0.0110   2.01 0.0222
#> # ℹ 17,676 more rows